Day Trading System e-mini S&P Siesta
Codename: Siesta
Day Trading Secrets presents a half day trading system for the emini S&P, code named Siesta because it only enters trades after lunch, enter your stop and then you go to siesta.
Of course, if you really do fall asleep you could exit during the overnight session. You should be awake by then.
Siesta's entry idea came from listening to a
online seminar by Tom Busby of the
Day Trading Institute
Tom speaks in a heavy southern accent and I thought I heard him saying something about lunch time trades for entries.
For exits, I took an idea from trading legend Larry Williams, who suggests that even day trades ought to be held as long as possible to maximize profit. Siesta merely MOCs any open position. After all if the trade is only going to start after lunch, we'd better leave it on as long as possible.
It also has stops at 1% from the entry price, just in case of an emergency but it is rarely hit.
Click here for the performance summary of Day Trading System e-mini S&P Siesta.
Click here for the equity curve of Day Trading System e-mini S&P Siesta.
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